This poem is an euphoric declaration of spiritual unity. As a community we can individually concur resulting in a lofty coexistence. The challenges of selflessness will then disappear with a sublime trust in the ordering of the universe. Imploring the Gods of charity to surround us with a celestial energy we ask them to invoke our inevitable contentment. On the ultimate course of unification the strength of others is no longer a threat but a blessing surrounding us with comfort and an ease of expression.


Intensifying the arrival of an augmenting emotion
the assemblage precipitates a furthering of recognition
illustratively abundant in acceptance.
The harmonization of potential reunifications
has overwhelmed a possible partition
and emanates a reconciling precondition.
Salutations of the remarkable sense
have kept in secret an evolving tranquility.
Pensiveness is submerging the evocator
addressing the excessive with awareness.
Clarifying the superimposition as susceptible nonetheless
disposable in regress to a common denominator.
We savor the clarity of his theosophical ode
resonating through a receptive poignancy.
The revolving moons of Jupiter process
a synthesis of relief for the bestowed.
They then gather their intangibility
and surge forth a beautification
devotionally cantillating a vivacity
influencing an awe-inspiring episode.
The rings of Saturn reveal vibrancy
elaborating upon an imaginative sensation.
Entering the chariot of celestial modes
we implausibly resurrect a dignified docility.
Astoundingly fortuitous we supplicate an abode
where the souls of redemption progress
with their perpetual heartfelt clemency
impelling the affections of alliance.
Unfolding the mysteries of coexistence
we digress from forms of selfish imposition.
Witnessing the fascinating innovator
the extraterrestrials begin to coalesce
respectively, the entirety in compliance,
hallowing the summoning of the creator’s
unyielding and bounteous salvation.
Equilibrious and pluralistic predispositions
have instigated harmonious implications
heralding multitudes of eclectic correlations.
In our humble requisition we venture
amongst the heavenly elaborator
presenting Him with an everlasting tenure
emitting our gracious and sacred radiance.