His personal viewpoint was a courageous vision of observation
looking from the outside in gifting us with his poems and music.
Born in Kansas on the prairie transcendentally in motion
with his brilliant rhythms and his eloquent fashion so translucid.
His devout and enlightened father was a preacher with high devotion
cultivating marvels with his talents and awareness of acoustics.
At age five he prospered on percussion with inventive improvisations.
He was present at a ritualistic ceremony to invoke a Sundance
pounding a buffalo-skinned tom-tom with furious fever and passion.
Through his literary amazement came the couplets we all adore
nurturing his surprises, stupefying scholars with verses so curiously cubic.
While an adolescent during a misfortunate fateful day all colors disappeared
elevating his inner senses stimulating the oracle within a newer sphere.
Scoffing skeptics with their scientific sneer and burgeoning a garden
which extravagantly was exuding a pleasurably seductive atmosphere.
Tenaciously gifted with a spawning foreknowledge like a troubadour
he was a fixture of Manhattan as a Nordic prince, nevertheless not hardened.
An amazing performance was fathomed as his eternal cantos were musically scored
resounding through Carnegie Hall after his exile turned snow to tears.
Such confounded theories of time and space he formulated in place forevermore!
Will the future and the past move spiraling forward in opposite directions
until they coincide or is this an evolution of the expanding notions of a pioneer?
Weaving through a needle to unique inceptions as a calendar rings overtones in four
to receive a true perception of orchestration although it is concisely margined.
Through his rhythmic fugal polymetrics flows a genius somewhat elusive,
with a counterpuntal werewolf, as his first symphony found its origin.
An amalgamation of Africa and the Arapahos will inspire us to gyrate and prance
in constant circular fluctuation reconvening the incorporeal invocation.
A partisan from Germany summoned him to depart his ancient exclusive
habitat to enhance his strenuous task abiding amongst the musical descendants
and warranting Moondog assimilation begetting his freedom with a glorious chance.
Aspiring to enlighten our course to perceive a divinity no longer dependent
on adhering to static stations, we eulogize his creativity crowning him with laudation.