A numerical abacus measuring behavioral tendencies
is a blatant invasion of man’s internal commitment.
Evolving an algorithmic surveillance system
is worse than George Orwell’s marvelous masterpiece.
A counterproductive form of blind nationalism
now calls for a quick and sanctimonious requiem.
This thought process is a horrendous detriment
which furthers dependence while inviting catastrophes.
Bannon is a Rumpelstilzchen with a caprice
confusingly moronic with a backwoods impediment.
His claims are fallible, full of fanaticism
deficient of knowledge helped on by anxiety.
Irrationality from this Dark Prince is quite evident
with his mimics and gestures against society.
Lacking a concept, practicing ad hominem
trying to influence the European Populism.
The only viable coalition is failing in sobriety.
Exerting his propositions as he does condemn
a cosmopolitan view while praising xenophobia.
Pluralism is a nasty word and an imperilment
for identity seen in Stevie’s little utopia.
Hence he offers a tasty little comment
“Remain with your origins happy and content
and listen to my jargon and love my paternalism.
The results of my actions aren’t hidden from Snowden
I wonder why he hasn’t died of claustrophobia.
My visions might be omitting all honor and propriety.
My mission is quite simple and ultra-conservative.
For my ideology I offer no blessed apologia.
No Chinamen please with African. I hope I’m not derogative.
Excuse me while I try my best to bend the orient.
Our values have been twisted and badly bent.
Judeo-Christian virtues and yes there’s no alternative
Nonetheless the water is leaking through the dam.
This is the way it always was in good ol’ Rotterdam.
You see I hold a very important prerogative.
We can never forget American is what I am.
I cannot help blurting out my right-wing phrases.
Tell all the journalists I have no viable stoicism.
I will jump upon a rickshaw to win back the graces
of XiPing with his magnificent cynicism.
Putting a muzzle on his Motherland’s homo-sapiens
is no bother to me. Soon the whole world braces
for the division of sisters and brothers when
I have won these precariously hectic races.
Burying all decency with my mottos then
turning humanity to a hell-ridden imprisonment.
I expect therefore much praise and encouragement
to continue my reckless exploits in places
who enjoy my unconditional embarrassment.
Calling up Beijing to communicate again
Smearing and creaming the communistic disgraces
to win favor amongst their hideous hedonism.
All of a sudden I realize I have lost so many faces
for my doctrines and dogmas aren’t their theorems.
Also amidst the Europeans all the way to Orban
we found no longer common ground where a line was drawn.
I am now promptly floundering aimlessly lost in fatalism.
I have astutely remembered the bloody nights in Babylon.
We usurped the centrals of that demonically damn Sadaam.
We’ve been suffering ever since under a blowback. Radicalism
I have embraced although the refugee now replaces
our ruthless foreign policies and barbarism.
Hence we will never have the sympathies of Europe
Our rating agencies in New York as well mixed up
the cards to weaken their southern states.
Then our terrible bombing and demolishment
caused a disastrous loss in empathy and created hate
causing a shaky atmosphere of a Euro Zone skepticism.
I guess we have lost our friends and my words have come too late.
I think I will sit back and count my cash and not be so ponderously irate.”