Voices from the all universes exalt and give praise
as the first breathe is taken and our beloved joy appears.
Reminiscing the effortless matriarchal care as mother would raise
my noggin to nurse her breasts as she calmed my fears.
The unending euphoria would then continue to flourish
as other relatives came to witness the wondrously newly-born child.
As each day followed the wandering eyes would be nourished
becoming capable of capturing glimpses of the clear
skies above from which one came to your cousin’s smile.
My family has bestowed me once again the gift of life as music I hear
composing a lilting melody for our lovely bantling my granddaughter.
The memory of my own conception has remained each year
with gratefulness for my sweet angel and I do applaud her.
Through the spirit of passion my daughter has refurbished
her existence as she has bestowed the gift of life so soft and mild.
I dedicate my time for her piece of mind as the holy waters
stream into my soul to procure the beauty to endear
my preciously delicate sweetheart who has come to visit.
This miracle astounds me as I ask myself repeatedly, is it
true that my young lady is awarding me with this baby who has sweetly sighed?
This phenomenal occurrence has the power to bring my eyes to gently tear.
Within the circle of miracles I remind myself of the wisdom of holy orders.
The fruition of sustenance is clarified by Matthew from yesteryears
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store in quarters
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them and will always provide
us with faith to carry on through even famine as we persevere.
Hallelujah for the comforts of love which strengthen our aspirations
to blossom forth as our Counselor jubilates and gives us courage.
Learning to trust our fellow beings, presenting positive thoughts, magnifies
our aptitude to gain friendship and approval as sharing is to be satisfied.
My ancestors will acclaim with choruses and accolades as they volunteer
to shower bouquets from beautified celestial gardens. A spiritual corsage
they present to show their internal elation full of compassionate inspiration.
My family bestowed me the gift of life to ease my infant with a lullaby
and return her to her slumber as she dreams of a colorful montage.
Grinning with content she will utter small peeps to ultimately dulcify
our whereabouts bringing a magical moment of an easing atmosphere.
Her future will be her making with all horizons open to exemplify
her creative desires shaping like a dream weaver her culmination.
We give faith, hope and charity to guide her first steps as she will toddle
forth uprightly deciding with guidance as she will surely identify
her destiny safe from influences as her cherished life she will model.