To demonstrate our awareness we have chosen activism
while we ponder our existence in quiescent quarantine.
This silence brings a dichotomy of a perilous disaccord
muzzling advocates of justice as we enjoy idleness so serene.
Nevertheless we implore in peace an astute responsibility
with insight letting the watchdogs say freedom is unrestored
as the inequity is deplorably evident and dreadfully obscene.
Bailing out the murderous sinners inciting their stimulus
while abandoning the small business as unimportantly inferior.
Barraging the innocuous with anxiety causing bleak disparity
so very hostile with malintent is normalcy for the injurious.
The solution lies in courageousness to claim the unacceptability
of their meager attempts to dominate mankind to simply deter.
Being hoodwinked is a process of manipulating gullibility
Formulating your own opinion and the fortitude of stoicism
will resolutely endure deflections of purpose giving uniformity.
We desire to interact and discuss the problems before us
Our darling children should in no fashion be rudely ignored
As the industrial complex forced Vietnam our student campus
reacted by protesting with an urgent style and demeanor.
An example of repulsively avoiding reality is inextricably
correlated with misdirected inadequacy and unaccountability.
Nature screams and revolts with its mistreatment giving impetus
to serious thought of methods of conservation instead of ineligibly
running poisons into the stratosphere like a twisted voyageur.
This Earth is a beatific gift which each human should cherish.
Reckless corporate enterprises dismiss the absolute necessity
of sharing their wealth devoid of sympathy and robust in animus.
Conceiving a new perception applying philanthropic objectivity
could spur equality and help the extremity to ultimately perish.
The inner city deindustrialized catastrophe would be overturned
commencing a phase of the rebirth of chastity quite recognizably.
The disconsolate masses will ask their Counselor to calmly intervene
giving us consolation uprooting depravation from wretched despotism.
Throughout our isolation we have felt this dilemma unforeseen
as the consequences irk our sensitivity to express all in lyricism.
The senseless vitriolic erosion of society will cease as a conspicuous
revolution of conscious will appear greeted so sympathetically.
Politicians must free themselves from their expenses and burn
the bridges to lobbyists reflecting upon the plight of the poor.
The applause will echo through the streets as our servants forswore
the iniquitous influence of smearing as life becomes so copious.
Their maintenance of our infrastructure will actually veritably
declare our elected officials as representing our upward turn.
Once each individual decides to vigorously support us as they reconvene,
in future days we will witness a convivial celebration of basic humanism.
The prerequisite of demolishing the system at large incites the harmonious
to persevere as our livelihoods sharing concern for our oceans and marine
life and our environmental preferences will then be acknowledged with revivalism.
The Age of Aquarius is soon upon us to remedy our vagueness with clarity
as our mutuality will reign while all the lionhearted enthusiastically supervene.
Once we begin to congregate and enjoy throngs of personalized solidarity
we will rejoice because of our deep reflectance while sharing collectivism.