Grinning through your lying teeth you are high-strung and despicable
running through the halls of Congress being quite vulgar and extricable.
I remember your attitude during my days while dropping psychedelic tabs.
An Alkie Redneck you were with no brains aggressively colorless and drab.
Now many years have passed and we’ve all walked long and different roads.
These Proud Boys are your ancestral remnants acting like imbecilic toads.
Shame on your lack of tolerance as all begins to badly boomerang
spurting out an identical language like clones of an obese orangutang.
Grumbling topping one-hundred with golf so pissed about the last election
Q-Anon has taken Palm Beach by storm screaming brutally their contentions.
Propagandizing your MAGA crowds feeling a rush of estranged delusions
sending 73 Million citizens to the polls deranged and meandering in confusion.
Now 75 percent of them hold the opinion that supports your claims of fraud
receiving accolades for disrupting Congress’ meeting crawling up the holy façade.
The naïve intelligencia was in awe at this decadent proceeding here at hand
as your malignant philosophy of fascistic proportions rules throughout the land.
The goodhearted have their foot to the pedal damning foolhardiness at its best
conceding criticism while moving forward with their agenda upstanding the test.
The absurdity of these domestic terrorists is like a nagging motley menace
which persists like a swarm of bees coming from the firing of an apprentice.
Still their identity is emboldened because of a charade of cold complicity
reducing diplomats to manipulation with a measly form of inept infelicity.
Understanding the underhanded method of repetitious lies and faulty falsehood
has captured America’s gullibility abandoned so heartlessly destroying brotherhood.
Belief seems to be persuasion of a different kind twisting the patriotic prism
to reflect the fear of true freedom separating us into two camps of morbid schism.
One impulsive moment a phone call was made and miles away it then rang.
President Zelensky was unamused; (proposed was a favor for the bloody orangutang.)
So therefore the process started; the House of Representatives’ bold impeachment.
Now a second time has been set in motion with resistance for the encroachment.
Diversity is the gift of our multicultural conception born with our immigration
to the harbors of New York and New Orleans ringing ragtime through our nation.
Then the birth of blue grass with blues bringing Country in the Appalachians
and Gospel blending with Blues to R and B with jazz after the Emancipation.
Chuck Berry started a thang called Rock and Roll Music with a St. Louis twang
originality with tasty lyrics not clones who imitate our obnoxious obese orangutang.
Heaven help us as these nitwits lick their wounds being convicted of sadistic sedition
thriving on disorder completely unhinged only interested in pure devilish division.
Our ex-prez of obesity blurted his punky phrases inciting his ominous insurrection
showing his narcissistic self-hatred as he expressed an empty rhetorical rejection.
Now he bows to his evil queen who whips him mercilessly with a cat-o’-nine-tails
preparing him slowly for his hopeless future while he is escorted off to jail.
What will then happen with the KKK and friends of the boogie pianist Daryl Davis?
A few have seen the light as the Spanish moss hangs smoothly by the Floridian Oasis.
Reaching out to each other holding no prejudice or bias will be a possible viable solution
nonetheless the contrary is possible if our Orangutang hangs us with the noose of collusion.
Have they all made up their minds to thwart justice and force their supremist’s platitudes?
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius hence awaken from your post decrepitudes.
Soon Nostradamus predicts a Golden Age of humanity leaving the proud boy’s shebang
and obsolete it will become, your irrational sentiments, you clones of an obese orangutang.